Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Anonymous threats Make shrunken ISIS

Anonymous declares war on Terror Paris ISIS post action claimed by the extremist group. | (IB Times)
(Woles-News) - LONDON - declaration of war issued by the hacker group Anonymous was making ISIS forces and followers in cyberspace shriveled guts. ISIS even to make specific instructions that his followers are not immune to account hacked by Anonymous.
"The hackers #Anonymous in the release of their latest video threatening to carry out large-scale hacking operations against the Islamic state," reads a message ISIS to his followers, as quoted from page Mirror, Tuesday (11/17/2015).
According to Anonymous, the instructions, ISIS asked his followers not to open any links, change IP addresses them continuously, and did not speak to anyone through the application Telegram.
Message in Arabic and English is then forwarded to the various channels belonging to ISIS and its affiliates using Twitter Ghost undetected.
It is said Anonymous, operating mode using Twitter Ghost is greatly favored by ISIS and supporters. The reason, the application can create a message effectively not terdekteksi to being spied upon. Therefore, ISIS asked his followers to download this application.
Even so, it seems ISIS effort is unsuccessful. Because the Anonymous reportedly has successfully hacked and paralyzed 900 twitter accounts allegedly belonging ISIS and supporters.
This group even send messages that seem to harass the efforts of ISIS to ward off attacks from Anonymous. "Expect US!" so a short message left by Anonymous in any twitter account belonging to ISIS and supporting successful in dikes.

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