Monday, October 3, 2016

LRT Dan MRT di Jakarta Adalah Dongeng Indah Saat Ini

Selamat Datang Di Kota Dongeng
Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara kita tentu saja sering kali menjadi bahan pembicaraan masyarakat negri kita. Mulai dari ratna sarumpaet, yusril, fadlizon hingga ahmad dhani dkk pun, yang berkiprah sebagai musisi pernah membicarakan tentang jakarta. 

Semua cerita tentang jakarta sebagai ibu kota tentu saja menjadi cikal bakal dongeng rakyat yang melegenda. Masih ingat dongeng ibu kota lebih kejam di banding ibu tiri kan gan?. Dongen tersebut sejak akhir 2012 hingga kini pelan pelan mulai memudar citranya. Kini jakarta mullai mengejar citra sebagai kota bahagia. Hingga banyak orang yang mau rebutan menuju ke sana,.. 
Berikut ini adalah cuplikan seputar dongeng LRT dan MRT

Quote:Original Posted By soldierjakarta 
LRT Dan MRT di Jakarta Adalah Dongeng Indah Saat Ini

Perkembangan Proyek LRT 
LRT Dan MRT di Jakarta Adalah Dongeng Indah Saat IniCibubur-Cawang dan MRT Lebak Bulus-Bund HI sangat cepat. 
LRT Dan MRT di Jakarta Adalah Dongeng Indah Saat Ini
Kita harapkan 2018 dan 2019 selesai 
LRT Dan MRT di Jakarta Adalah Dongeng Indah Saat Ini

Konon dongengnya LRT pertama Indonesia itu Karya Anak Bangsa

isu yang beredar menyebutkan: Prototipe LRT Buatan Para Insinyur Indonesia.1 Gerbong Ini Isinya Bisa 50 Orang. Kecepatan Max 40 Km jam. Metro Kapsul: Transportasi Massal Karya Anak Bangsa Indonesia.. tau dah bener apa engga ya???

Penampakan Progress Rencana Pengembangan LRT DKI Jakarta

Penampakan MRT Jakarta dan Transportasi Publik

Jakarta saat ini sedang sibuk membangun MRT. MRT ini diharapkan menjadi solusi kemacetan di jalur transportasi di Jakarta. Berita ini disampaikan dengan teknologi immersive sederhana yang dibuat oleh tim grafis CNN Indonesia. Mohon kritik dan saran agar kami bisa menyampaikan berita dengan cara yang lebih menarik lagi. 

Wah Jadi penasaran gimana jadinya kalo sudah beres nanti


Inilah Alasan Kenapa Mereka Bisa Sukses Tanpa Sekolah/Kuliah

Banyak orang yang mengidentikan "Drop-Out" dengan kesuksesan, hal itu karena memang sudah banyak orang yang putus sekolah atau sengaja memutuskan sekolah pada akhirnya sukses. 

Sebut saja di luar negeri ada Thomas Alva Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Job, Larry Ellison, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Aristotle Onassis, Toph Ittipat, dan masih banyak lagi.

Di dalam negeri ada Eka Cipta Wijaya, Bob Sadino, Susi Pujiastuti, Ajip Rosidi, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Arief Widhiyasa, Raditya Dika (sukses dulu, baru kuliah), Bustaman Sederhana, Reza Nurhilman, Andianto Setiabudi, Irwan Hidayat, dan masih banyak lagi.

Pertanyaan kita kemudian
Kenapa mereka bisa sukses walau tidak punya gelar sarjana?
Berikut beberapa rahasianya...

Ketika kita masih kecil, kita menghabiskan waktu bermain PS dan nonton film kartun, tidak sama halnya dengan Bill Gates. Sejak kecil dia sudah mengutak-atik komputer, begitu juga dengan Mark Zuckerberg, maka tak heran ketika mereka lulus SMA dan masuk kuliah, ilmu mereka sudah jauh melampaui apa yang diajarkan di perkuliahan. Tak merasa ada manfaat yang mereka dapat dari berkuliah, mereka pun mulai jarang masuk kelas, sibuk menerapkan ilmu yang mereka punya di dunia nyata.

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Mereka Bisa Sukses Tanpa Sekolah/Kuliah
Menganggap "Belajar" Lebih Penting Dari "Sekolah"
Ketika SMP, Ajip Rosidi merasa terhina karena pada saat UN, dia jujur sementara teman-temannya melakukan kecurangan. Akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk berhenti sekolah. Lulus dari SMP, dia belajar secara otodidak. Bukan untuk mendapat gelar sarjana, tapi justru untuk membuktikan pada teman-temannya bahwa untuk menjadi sukses, yang diperlukan adalah ilmu, bukan ijazah apalagi ijazah yang didapatkan dengan cara-cara kotor. Akhirnya, banyak tulisan Ajip Rosidi yang lolos terbit di beberapa majalah, koran, hingga dicetak menjadi buku (dari mulai esai sampai cerita pendek). Kini, orang yang hanya lulusan SMP itu telah menjadi dosan kehormatan di Universitas Padjajaran hingga jadi dosen tamu di 2 universitas terkemuka di Jepang.

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Mereka Bisa Sukses Tanpa Sekolah/Kuliah
Menganggap Belajar di Lapangan Lebih Penting
Daripada Belajar di Dalam Kelas

Bob Sadino berkali-kali mengkritik sistem pendidikan mainstream yang hanya mengajarkan teori-teori yang tidak aplikatif. Hal itu juga menurutnya yang menjadi penyebab kenapa di dunia banyak pengangguran, sebab orang-orang hanya diberi teori-teori, bukan diasah kreatifitasnya untuk bertahan hidup dalam kesulitan. Bob Sadino berkata bahwa dunia nyata tidak sama dengan teori di sekolah. Maka dari itu, jika mau sukses di dunia nyata, belajarlah di dunia nyata. Ibarat mau berenang, ya belajar di kolam renang, bukan belajar teori di dalam kelas.

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Mereka Bisa Sukses Tanpa Sekolah/Kuliah
Tidak Takut Gagal Karena Pasti Gagal
Ketika keluar dari ITB dan mendirikan Agate Studio (sebuah perusahaan game developer), Arief Widhiyasa tidak takut untuk gagal. Sebab orang kuliah pun banyak yang gagal. Daripada kuliah gagal, lebih baik mengerjakan apa yang dicintai lalu gagal. Tapi nyatanya, dia memang gagal. Namun tidak serta merta menyerah. Dia bangkit lagi dan mempelajari hal-hal baru dari kegagalan hingga akhirnya bisa sukses.

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Mereka Bisa Sukses Tanpa Sekolah/Kuliah
Menikmati Hidup Mengerjakan Apa Yang Disukai
Thomas Alva Edison dibuang dari sekolah karena dianggap aneh dan bodoh. Sejak kecil, dia belajar membaca dari ibunya, lalu belajar sains secara otodidak di perpustakaan kota. Dia tidak ambil pusing bahwa dia tidak sekolah, dia hanya menjalani hidupnya mengerjakan apa yang dia sukai. Menjawab rasa penasarannya akan kehidupan dengan ilmu sains. Asyik bermain-main dengan sains, tak terasa, sudah ribuan penemuan sains dia temukan.

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Mereka Bisa Sukses Tanpa Sekolah/Kuliah
Menganggap Setiap Orang Punya Jalan Yang Berbeda-Beda
Sistem sekolah itu dimana-mana relatif sama. Misalnya di Indonesia, dari Sabang sampai Merauke, sistem sekolah itu ya satu. Tapi dari Sabang sampai Merauke, ada nyaris 300 juta manusia. Apakah satu sistem itu bisa cocok untuk 300 juta manusia? Tentu wajar jika ada beberapa orang yang tidak merasa cocok sehingga mereka menciptakan sistem sendiri untuk mencapai pendidikan dan kesuksesan.

Jadi begitu gan, Ga tiba-tiba Drop-Out langsung sukses. Tapi ada proses kerja keras juga
Mereka emang ga tuntas sekolah, tapi mereka belajar jauh lebih keras, makanya bisa sukses
Jadi buat agan-agan yang sekolah. Belajar yang bener
Percuma kalau sekolah tapi ga belajar. Malu sama mereka yang ga sekolah tapi rajin belajar

Asty Ananta "Soal Suaminya" Ibunda Asty Ananta Tak Mengenal Pria Tersebut

Ibunda Asty Ananta, Yunyianingrum Agustarini, tak kenal dengan suami putrinya, Hendra Suyanto (Instgaram/@freddy_xiao), Kebahagiaan Asty Ananta usai resmi dipersunting Hendra Suyanto, Minggu (2/10/2016) di salah satu hotel di Nusa Dua, Bali menjadi perbincangan hangat. Diketahui, pernikahan bahagia tersebut justru tidak dihadiri oleh keluarga Asty Ananta.
Ibunda Asty, Yunyianingrum Agustarini mengaku tidak hadir dalam pernikahan putri sulungnya tersebut lantaran memang tidak memberikan restu kepada sang putri yang dinikahi pria yang tidak sama sekali dikenalnya. 

"Saya mohon maaf, saya sama sekali enggak tau laki-laki itu orangtuanya siapa, namanya siapa, tinggalnya di mana. Saya belum pernah ketemu sama orangtuanya dan keluarganya," kata Yunyianingrum Agustarini saat dihubungi, Senin (3/10/2016).

So happy for my dearest sister Asty Ananta congratulations," tulis @dierabachir dalam akun Instagram. Berdasarkan postingan, pasangan ini menikah di Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua. (Instagram/dierabachir)
Enggan memberikan restu, ibunda Asty beralasan memiliki keinginan untuk menikahkan Asty selayaknya orangtua menikahkan anak-anaknya.
"Dua putri saya anak biasa saja. Anak saya yang ini (Asty) artis, mungkim sudah jadi trend kali ya. Saya coba mengikhlaskan saja. Semua sudah terjadi, satu Indonesia tau, saya mau bilang apa. Kami sekeluarga ga datang ke pernikahannya," terang ibunda Asty.
Seperti diketahui, adik Asty Ananta, Lia Ananta terlebih dahulu menikah dengan Reza Juan Hariansah. Sang adik pun memberikan pelangkah kepada Asty yakni sebuah Al-Quran agar Asty segera menyusul menikah.

Pernikahan Asty dan Hendra telah berlangsung, meski diberitakan menikah secara beda agama, Asty mengaku bahagia dipersunting Hendra.
"Alhamdulillah, aku sudah menikah di Bali. Akad nikah dilakukan secara Islam, ada seremoni adat, makan malam, resepsi yang spesial," kata Asty Ananta kepada, Senin (3/10/2016).
Ibunda Asty, meski belum memberikan restu ia telah mengikhlaskan yang terjadi. "Ya, harus diikhlaskan, semua sudah terjadi. Saya mau bilang apa itu sudah pilihannya. Kami sekeluarga ga datang. Keadaan di sana saya ga tau," tandas Ibunda Asty.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bocoran seri terbaru Samsung Galaxy A5 dan Samsung Galaxy A7

Bocoran seri terbaru Samsung Galaxy A5 (Foto: via Phone Arena)
(Woles-News) - Samsung dikabarkan tengah menyiapkan generasi kedua dari Galaxy A5 dan Galaxy A7. Kali ini muncul bocoran foto, yang diduga sebagai wujud kedua smartphone tersebut.

Dalam foto yang beredar, seri terbaru Galaxy A5 tampak dibalut dengan warna putih. Sedangkan untuk seri baru Galaxy A7 berwarna hitam.

Tak hanya itu, sejumlah spesifikasi seri baru Galaxy A5 juga turut mengemuka. Smartphone tersebut diantaranya memiliki layar berukuran 5,2 inci (1920 x 1080 piksel), prosesor octa-core 1.6GHz, dan sistem operasi Android 5.1.1.

Bocoran seri terbaru Samsung Galaxy A7 (Foto: via Phone Arena)
Adapun untuk seri terbaru Galaxy A7, dikabarkan memiliki layar 5,5 inci (1080 x 1920 piksel), prosesor quad-core 1.5GHz, dan GPU Adreno 450.

Ditambah RAM 3GB, memori internal 16GB, kamera belakang 13MP, kamera depan 5MP, dan sistem operasi Android 5.1.1 juga akan menyokong smartphone tersebut. Demikian seperti dikutip dari Phone Arena, Senin (16/11/2015).


Sumber :

'Star Wars: Battlefront' Adalah Game Terfavorit Tahun Ini - Video Review

'Star Wars: Battlefront' Adalah Game Terfavorit Tahun Ini
(Woles-News) - Star Wars: Battlefront menempatkan Anda di tengah konflik yang paling merusak Star Wars 'seperti tidak ada video game lainnya memiliki sebelumnya. Permainan ini memiliki grafis terbaik tahun ini didukung oleh Star Wars seni arah asli dan terkenal desain tingkat organik DICE ini. Ada modus permainan di sini  hampir untuk siapa pun, dari epik untuk intim.

Unlockables seperti senjata secara alami dibatasi oleh Star Wars canon dan sehingga Anda tidak akan menemukan sesuatu yang terlalu eksentrik dalam hal persenjataan, tapi tidak membosankan . Ada array yang bagus kemampuan khusus dan sejumlah mengejutkan beragam kustomisasi karakter. Setelah Anda naik level, karakter Anda Anda benar-benar dapat menyesuaikan tampilan dan bermain-gaya dengan cara yang cocok untuk Anda kekuatan atau modus permainan Anda bermain.

Star Wars Battlefront dikemas dengan mode multiplayer bervariasi. Fighter Squadron mungkin juga itu game terpisah sendiri yang hampir mengisi kekosongan X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter telah meninggalkan di hati saya dan jauh lebih menyenangkan daripada kendaraan tempur udara yang Anda temukan di Walker Assault.

Anonymous threats Make shrunken ISIS

Anonymous declares war on Terror Paris ISIS post action claimed by the extremist group. | (IB Times)
(Woles-News) - LONDON - declaration of war issued by the hacker group Anonymous was making ISIS forces and followers in cyberspace shriveled guts. ISIS even to make specific instructions that his followers are not immune to account hacked by Anonymous.
"The hackers #Anonymous in the release of their latest video threatening to carry out large-scale hacking operations against the Islamic state," reads a message ISIS to his followers, as quoted from page Mirror, Tuesday (11/17/2015).
According to Anonymous, the instructions, ISIS asked his followers not to open any links, change IP addresses them continuously, and did not speak to anyone through the application Telegram.
Message in Arabic and English is then forwarded to the various channels belonging to ISIS and its affiliates using Twitter Ghost undetected.
It is said Anonymous, operating mode using Twitter Ghost is greatly favored by ISIS and supporters. The reason, the application can create a message effectively not terdekteksi to being spied upon. Therefore, ISIS asked his followers to download this application.
Even so, it seems ISIS effort is unsuccessful. Because the Anonymous reportedly has successfully hacked and paralyzed 900 twitter accounts allegedly belonging ISIS and supporters.
This group even send messages that seem to harass the efforts of ISIS to ward off attacks from Anonymous. "Expect US!" so a short message left by Anonymous in any twitter account belonging to ISIS and supporting successful in dikes.

Still Love admitted, Liam Hemsworth Miley Cyrus Invites Feedback?

Miley Cyrus - Liam Hemsworth
(Woles-News) - Some time ago, surprisingly Liam Hemsworth deliver if he is still in love Miley Cyrus. Yup, handsome Australian actor it's time to deliver if his past is so beautiful to be forgotten.

Now, surprisingly appeared a word that conveys if Liam had invited the former for feedback. Rumor is sticking out through an uploaded photo in Instagram account Wylder's Holistic Pet Center.

As reported by the Daily Mail, was Liam has just adopted a new pet dog over Miley assistance. "Thanksmileycyrus because they love dogs !! You have helped dogs aged 6 months to find a new home.liamhemsworth You really will be happy baby this small," wrote the Wylder's Holistic as a caption.

Liam found his favorite dog with the help of Miley ©
 Posing alongside her new dog, Liam was showing happy smile. THE HUNGER GAMES star looks really happy because it has been doing this kind of social action to support animal life is wasted streets.

Moreover, despite the long break up of the former, the relationship Liam and Miley are also running fine. Far different from the other spouse, two young stars this would indicate that mature attitude admirable.

Before Liam, Miley was first adopt a small dog that eventually named Milky. Could this be a green signal for them to again become lovers? We wait!

Open-aperture reckless, Miley Cyrus Nude Photos Circulating in Cyberspace

Miley kembali berpose bugil ©
(Woles-News) - Various sensations created by Miley Cyrus has always successfully become the public spotlight. Ranging from the all-free life, scandalous lesbian, heat up a variety of images that always flood the media.

After repeatedly demonstrated her topless photo on Instagram, this time Miley went back to a hot shooting. As reported by the Daily Mail, he actually appeared naked for Candy magazine.

Immortalized by a photographer who was very controversial, Terry Richardson, Miley appearance when it really reckless and insane. Unfortunately, because the image is too vulgar can not be shown.

Not just once, the singer's Wrecking Ball really did not hesitate to show his private parts in a variety of photos. Not just topless, there is also another portrait reckless when Miley showed her intimate area in front of the camera.

Not quite satisfied with that, there is also a variety of shooting theme that can make you shake your head. It was there that looks Miley proudly showing her armpits in detail.

Quoted, the magazine itself does have a theme that is very controversial. In it there are a variety of shooting with regard to transsexual, adrogini, crossdresser, and all these things

Getting ready ! November 23 Teaser Update CoC (Clash of Clans) Will Begins

November 23 Teaser Update CoC (Clash of Clans) Started

(Woles-News) - Mobile game Clash of Clans or commonly known as the CoC does sapai game is still a popular mobile games among gamers. Create your CoC Game lovers, there is new information for you.

Game developers Clash Of Clans (CoC) Supercell, revealed the teaser or a sneak peak will begin on November 23, 2015. Adapaun contents of the teaser video footage updates will display the game Clash of Clans (CoC) version. Supercell will release a video sneak peak for fans Game CoC for two weeks.

With the presence of video teaser which will begin in November 2015 is expected teaser video will display more detailed information regarding the Town Hall level 11.

Teaser video is an overview of the latest features that will soon be presented to the game strategy. By presenting this teaser video is none other than aiming to lure people to be more interested in the game CoC as a mobile game which is very popular among gamers like in Indonesia.

As reported Okezone, Anoushka staff Supercell revealed, "Even if you're not ready to go to the Town Hall 11, the next update is packed with a change of course, which aims to improve the way everyone played Clash of Clans, every day".

   Regarding the update game Clash of Clans (CoC) hereafter also will manmpilkan concept Village Guard, Personal Break, Session Timer, League Bonuses, Multiplayer Matchmaking and Hogh-level calculations Trophy.

Besides the latest update for the game CoC as a very popular mobile game will also be presenting the Hero and also the new defense that will increasingly make gamers interested in playing the mobile game Clash of Clans (Coc).

Itlah earlier date information we can convey to gamers regarding the starting date of Clans teaser Clas update, hopefully this information useful for you, especially lovers Game Coc (Clash of Clans).

Jihadi John reportedly killed in the attack France in Syria

The group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) executes 10 prisoners to detonate them using dynamite. (08/10/2015) (Mirror)
(Woles-News) - French anger as a result of a suicide bomb attack in the country makes it inflamed fashion capital. ISIS their counterattack against Jihadists in Syria reportedly killed John.

A man was arrested after spreading writings that praised ISIS members who carried out the attack in Paris and warned Manchester will be the location of the next attack. Status of this man confirmed that Jihadi John, British man who became executioner ISIS dead. quoted from page, writing was widespread through Facebook on Sunday afternoon for about 45 minutes before being removed after the reaction of other users.

"My brothers have been doing very well in Paris. Now we prove that we already have a plan and a good synchronization to commit murder. You will begin to realize that we are a force to be reckoned with. WE ARE ISIS, THIS IS OUR TIME. Carefully Manchester, ALLAHU AKBAR! Jihadi RIP John, "Thus, it is written on the Facebook page of a suspect 21-year-old who was not named it.

Angered by these words, Facebook users immediately report them to the police. "Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of yourself. This is absolutely disgusting and did not appreciate. How can you do this? "Said the user.

A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police said the man had been arrested because it is considered to make writing intending to commit racial incitement.

"The arrest was made related to support for ISIS is distributed through Facebook. West Yorkshire Police taking this very seriously, especially after the incidents of assault in Paris. Currently, the perpetrators have been arrested, while police carry out the investigation, "he said.

Jihadi John has been known as a hangman who executes the beheading of prisoners ISIS. Jihadi John's identity was revealed because with a strong Arabic accent English accent. Since then, he became the main prey US and the international coalition supporting a united fight against ISIS


Monday, November 16, 2015

10 Fakta Unik Tentang Vagina yang Harus Wajib Kamu Ketahui Cewek dan Cowok!

Seberapa jauh kamu mengenal vaginamu? (Via:

(Woles-News) - Vagina adalah alat vital pada perempuan. Mungkin sebagian dari kamu hanya mengetahui kalau vagina hanya sebagai alat reproduksi, jalur melahirkan, dan jalan keluarnya kotoran benda asing dari dalam rahim. Padahal, lebih dari itu, vagina memiliki beberapa fakta unik lain, lho! Misalnya pemilihan nama hingga kelebihan-kelebihan yang nggak kamu sadari.

Demi edukasi yang baik soal reproduksi, baik cewek dan cowok, nampaknya mesti mengetahui beberapa fakta yang bisa menambah wawasan dan menghindari kesalahpahaman soal alat reproduksi. Kali ini, akan membeberkan beberapa fakta unik mengenai vagina yang bisa memberimu pemandangan baru soal Miss V. Cekidot!

1. Kata Vagina berasal dari kata latin, Yaitu sarung pedang.
2. Klitoris pada Vagina memiliki sekitar 8000 ujung saraf, sedangkan penis hanya sekitar 4000 ujung saraf.
3. Vagina di lapis Oleh otot cincin
4. Otot cincin bisa membuka hingga 200 persen saat bercinta dan melahirkan. WOW!
5. Unik! dokter pernah menghilangkan kentang yang tumbuh merambat di vagina seorang cewek, pasien bilang kalau kentang itu dimasukan oleh ibunya sebagai alat pencegah kehamilan. PFFFT!
6. Film pertama yang menggunakan kata vagina adalah Film "The Story Of Menstruation pada 1946. 
7. Vagina dan Hiu sama-sama mengandung Squalene, zat yang terdapat pada hati Hiu dan cairan pelumas alami pada vagina.
8. Vagina juga memiliki kekuatan untuk menjepit penis. kasus tersebut di namakan Penis Captivus. 
9. Seperti tidak mungkin untuk kehilangan apapun yang ada di dalam vagina kecuali saat melahirkan. 
10. Terakhir, Vagina bisa membersihkan dirinya sendiri. 

The story of Isobel Bowdery Trapped when Incident Paris

(WOles-News) - One victim survived the terror of Paris inside the theater when the shooting occurred Bataclan said he survived because pretended to be dead with pools of blood lay on top of the other victims.
Isobel Bowdery, 22, a student who came from Cape Town, South Africa, tells the horrific events he witnessed with his own eyes that in the facebook page.

On the fateful night, Friday (13/11), he and about 1,500 other spectators were inside the building witnessed the concert band from California, "Eagles of Death Metal".

In the middle of appointment, suddenly heard gunshots which made the atmosphere into a frenzy. The terrorists, who numbered three, told the audience to face down on the floor and started shooting at them. One by one the bodies start lying and blood flooded the floor of the concert hall.

"You never think things like-itui could happen to you," wrote Isobel on facebook posts.

"It's just the usual Friday night at a rock concert. The atmosphere there is so happy and everyone dancing and smiling. And then the terrorists came through the front door and started shooting. We thought it was part of the show. "

"It was not just a terrorist attack, it was a massacre."

"Feeling shocked and alone, I then took the initiative to play dead for more than an hour, lying among corpses in a pool of their blood, holding his breath, trying not to move, not to cry, not to show the terrorists fear they want to see. "(sam / PTT)

Behind the Myth of Misfortune 'Friday The 13th'

Illustration: There are times when brokers avoid transactions carried out on the day that are considered unfavorable. (CNNIndonesia Antara Photo / Yudhi Mahatma / ama / 15)

(Woles-News) - For those who believe in superstition Friday the 13th or Friday the 13th is often associate with misfortune. In one year, there must be numbered the "unlucky" 13th. In 2015, there were three Friday even dated 13.

One of them, on Friday (13/11), and accidental shootings tragedy and pengemboman barrage in Paris, France, which killed about 153 people. Belief, but this is not the time to associate superstition.

Indeed the developing human brain well equipped. Proved humans could create high technology and advance the science. But the fear of making the most of human overshadowed by superstition. What makes humans scary something superstitious?

Coincides with Friday, November 13th, LiveScience page write, fear of the number 13 triskaidekaphobic experienced by those who suffer from phobias triskaideka. They consider 13 as an unlucky number.
This year, Friday 13 occurs three times, in February, March and November. In 2009 and 2012 there is also a dated Friday 13. When remembered, not every day is filled with misfortune. That is, Even if the case, then just coincidence.

"This may be disappointing, but the reason is ... that the calendar work patterns. All related to the pattern of a date in the calendar, "says Tom Fernsler, researchers from the University of Delaware, told Live Science.
For decades Fernsler has been researching the number 13. Not surprisingly nicknamed Dr. 13. Fernsler believe, Friday the 13th is always the case every year, because that's how the pattern of dates. In 2016, Friday the 13th falls in May.

According to Fernsler, the pattern of dates per year can be expected. For example, Friday the 13th occurs in January, then the next Friday the 13th will take place in October. This was despite the pattern of the same date in the second month.

"He cried this year there are three Friday the 13th. When viewed pattern dated February, March and November is the same. So there are three Friday the 13th, "said Fernsler. One thing in common: the first day of the third month in both starts on Sunday.
A similar pattern, according to Fernsler, can also be seen in the years prior or future years. The Dr. 13 estimate "overflow" three Friday the 13th of the year, as happened in 2015 will be repeated again in 2026.
"From this year until 2040, Friday the 13th will appear three times a year only once every 11 years. So just enjoy three unique because Friday will not happen before 2026, "said Fernsler. "Later there again in 2037, 2040 and 2043."

Figures Luck
Number 13 is considered to be scary for some people because it feels odd. Even past the 12 position which is "sacred number" for many things, such as the number-dozen packages of goods, as well as the zodiac and the moon for a year.

I was so frightened, many buildings, such as hotels or hospitals that do not include floor-to-13, or airports that do not have gates to 13th. But in fact it's number 13 is not scary.
Evidently, not a few good things and great people born on Earth on Friday the 13th. Besides Fidel Castro, on August 13, 1926, there was also Alfred Hitchcock are celebrating 100 years (if still alive) on August 13, 1999.

Then, why 13 is still considered to be intimidating, even to the digital era as it is now? According to Thomas Gilovich of Cornell University psychology department, the human brain is an expert make the association.
"If bad things happen to you on Friday the 13th, it will always invite the two associations in the mind: trust or mengelaknya," said Gilovich under discussion 13 superstitions & Traditions Explained Live Science quoted as saying.

President of the United States (US) Franklin D. Roosevelt including those traveling on the day evasive dated 13, or have a meal together with 13 guests. Napoleon and US President Herbert Hoover 31 also includes people with triskaidekaphobic.

A similar fears expressed broker and author Thomas W. Lawson. In his novel, Friday the Thirteenth (1907), he wrote that Wall Street never conduct transactions on a day that is not believed to bring good luck.
The fear of Friday the 13th that plague many people end up creating their own business. Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, North Carolina, USA, provide therapy for people living with triskaidekaphobic.

Cost of treatment is certainly not cheap, can reach about a thousand dollars. Whatever the human reaction to Friday the 13th, it is proving as advanced as any civilization, the human mind is not too distanced from the name of superstition. (vga / vga)

Jason terror 'Friday the 13th' Supported $ 793.766.53

(Woles-News) - Funding mass (crowdfunding) for Friday the 13th: The Game on the official Kickstarter closed. Games that brought the genre of third-person multiplayer asymmetrical have successfully earned USD 800,000 or approximately USD 10.9 billion.

Previously, Gun Media as developers do not even think if it's a homemade game can collect USD 700,000 in the three days before the scheduled closing. "Jason has been off! Thank you all !!," wrote Gun Media on Kickstarter page some time ago.

Despite having reached the target, but the funding still continue to flow until successfully raised USD 800,000 on the last day. With the successful achievement of it, then quoted from Gamespot, Monday (11/16/2015), the developer plans to give bonus features Sleeping Bag Kill taken from the Friday the 13th film series itself.

Features sadistic presented along with the extension of the funds flowing. Sleeping Bag Kill addition, gamers can also feel some sadistic features, such as Mirror Kill, Kill Crush 3D Head eyeball coming out, and Rip Your Heart Out Kill.

Actually, there is one more feature, the single-player campaign with total funds needed to reach $ 1.6 million or approximately USD 21.9 billion. Only, do not know whether the developer will receive funding and to consider presenting the feature or not.

In the game, Friday the 13th: The Game has gameplay with semi open-world location of Camp Crystal Lake. Yes, as it is known to Camp Crystal Lake is the site that is characteristic of the Friday the 13th film series.

One person will play into Jason Voorhees, the masked killer with a large machete in hand. While seven others will act as the inhabitants of Camp Crystal Lake and finding ways to survive the onslaught Jason at night.

Launch schedule the game itself is still tentative in October 2016. Developer plans to release this game for the platform PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

(ash / ash)